in this field.First/ For one thing,you are one of the most authoritative and respectable professors in English teaching and research.Second/ For another,all the people presenting at the meeting are looking forward to attending your lectures.The con...
2. Welcome to the jungle (单刷可得,无关分支) 通过丛林瀑布堡垒战第一关 3. Are you not entertainer? (焦干荒地分支) 通关焦干荒地地图上的boss战 -\- 打败角斗竞技场的“冠军” 注意...
1. I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in your new school. Such problems are quite normal. Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful. 很遗憾听说你在适应新学校方面有困难。这样的问题是很正常的。可能下面的建议会有一些帮助。
Are you ready?风险无处不在 小心超支、谨慎拍摄几乎是所有剧组在迪拜取景时都会发出的警示。以奢华著称的迪拜地标们价值不菲,稍有损坏赔偿金额令人咋舌。中等制作成本的《巨额交易》为...
1.Wouldyoupleaseexplain/clarify...贵方可以解释/阐明……吗? 2.Couldyousendmesomeinformationabout...贵方可以给我寄有关……的信息吗? 3.I'dalsolikesomehelp/information/clarificationon...我还希望您能为我提供有关……的一些帮助/信息/说明。